Time flies 

Yep. That’s right. Time freaking flys!!! I’m training to work mornings at the pub and it’s got my schedule all out of whack! With that combined with little sleep and being hella busy I have broken quite a few of my rules these past two weeks. I have over indulged in sugary coffee drinks (it’s been in the 80’s this past week) I have eaten wedding cupcakes, had all sorts of gross fast food, skipped prep, skipped any sort of exercise outside of work and let me tell you I am paying for it. I stepped on the scale for the first time in a few weeks and I *surprise* put on a few lbs…. 5 to be precise. No big deal, no sweat, just have to get back into making the right choices. I did a little prep this past Sunday and made a nourish bowl, lots of fruit and veggie snacks, whole grain cereal, and some chicken rice and asparagus, plus plenty of low fat, low sodium lunch meat for sandwiches and high protein snacking. 

I recognized that I fell off the wagon and actively made a choice and a plan to correct the action. I didn’t just go “well there goes all my hard work might as well quit” it’s a continuous work in progress. I made myself a plan: no soda (not even a sip because let’s be honest who just has a little sip of soda?) no sugar, no refined carbs, AND NO SUGARY DELICOUS WONDERFUL HAPPY COFFEE DRINKS (cries). 

You might be thinking about now that I have some sort of problem, well I do. I have a bit of a caffeine addiction, I also have a massive sweet tooth and if I wasn’t paying attention I could seriously eat an entire box of sugar cereal, cookies, cupcakes, frosting, ice cream, sprinkles, pudding, pie, whipped cream, doughnuts, candy, chocolate, bon bons, and just about anything that is sweet in mass. Sugar is a trigger food for me, once I have a little bit I literally cannot stop myself from eating whatever it might be. Coffee drinks are my weakness because it combines two of my most favorite things caffeine and sugar. 

One. Just one a week. Black coffee with milk, unsweet tea, and water, lots and lots of water (seriously, hydration in hot weather is important for a lot of reasons, my kitchen at work can get up into the triple digits real fast) 

But my nourish bowl was amazing. Full of whole grain (ethically sourced!!!) quinoa, roasted peppers, squash, mushrooms, and broccoli, grilled tofu, seasame seeds, and a yummy homemade Korean BBQ sauce. (Recipe to follow, put it on anything and everything) 
1/2 cup ketchup

1/2 cup rice vinegar

1/4 cup soy sauce

1 1/2 tablespoons sugar

1 tablespoon sesame seeds

1 teaspoon sriracha

1/4 teaspoon black pepper

2 green onions, thinly sliced

1 clove garlic, minced

1 (1-inch) piece ginger, grated

2 teaspoons toasted sesame oil

Throw everything but the oil in a pot, simmer gently for 3 minutes while whisking gently, remove from heat and whisk in the oil. Boom. Keeps in the fridge for a week and it is freaking amazing. 

Toss with noodles, pour over rice, grill some tofu and baste with the sauce, chicken, shrimp, the possibilities are endless! And the best part is you know everything that went into making it! 

Enjoy some Korean BBQ my friends! 



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