Tired princess 

No meal prep this week due to the Easter holiday, and the princess needs a break! After a lovely lunch with my absolutely amazing family (seriously love them!) I did manage a trip to the store for some staples to make it through the week prep free. I always pick up fresh fruit like apples and bananas, berries if they are fresh and good looking. Baby carrots for out of hand eating, whole grain bread and lunch meats for sandwhiches, packages of tuna, eggs, milk, cereal, yougert, and soup for the hubby (he’s sick 🙁) it is still possible to eat well even without prepping (though there might be a few more trips to the grocery store mid week). 

Tomorrow is all fun though! My dearest friend and fellow culinary badass are going hunting for morel mushrooms tomorrow!!! These babies are prized! They can not be grown on mushroom farms, and have a very limited window in spring when they appear. They are so so so delicious, woodsy, earthy, rich, and just so full of deep flavor. Simply fried in butter is like visiting heaven. Hopefully we can find some tomorrow, but if not we will keep searching until we hit the mother load! So I need to get some extra sleep for tomorrow I am going to be lacing up my hiking shoes and putting some extra miles on them! 

Happy (late) Easter! 

The meal prep princess 

(Pic unrelated, just being a goober)